Thursday, February 18, 2021
In Greek Fire 12, I mentioned the miraculous icon of Panayía Tricheroúsa (Παναγία Τριχερούσα), the Three-Handed Madonna, an unusual and powerful manifestation of the Mother of God.
I don't know of a church in our part of Greece which has an actual icon of Panayía Tricheroúsa, but a large framed picture of the miracle-working one from Mount Athos hangs behind the cash desk of my favourite grocery store in Kalamata, Aderfoi Lambou (Lambou Brothers), near the harbour.
On our way to give concerts and seminars in Mani every year, we always used to stop there to stock up on ladopaksimádia, delicious olive oil rusks; the famed pastéli of honey and sesame seeds; local figs and olives; lalángia or 'snake cakes', my favourite treat [photo at left]; and other traditional delicacies for our seminar guests. Visiting the Three-Handed Madonna was always the best thing about shopping there.
for the full article click here: